range |
Description |
Schweigger 1812 : 299 |
Locality |
"Patria ignota" [= locality unknown]; designated as "Amér.[ique] mérid.[ionale]" by Duméril and Duméril (1851:20) and recorded as "Amérique du Sud" in MNHN catalog (Bour, pers. comm.); restricted to "environs de Cayenne, Guyane française" by Bour and Pauler (1987:7). |
Holotype |
MNHN 8756 |
Original name |
Emys gibba |
name |
Gibba Turtle |
Distribution |
Orinoco to Amazon river basins in Colombia, eastern Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, the Guianas and northern Brazil; Trinidad |
Comments |
Subgenus Mesoclemmys. Reviewed by Mittermeier et al. (1978), Ernst (1981e), Pritchard and Trebbau (1984), and Bour and Pauler (1987). See Comment under Phrynops vanderhaegei. |